The Misfits.

As we welcome 2024, I’ve taken time to reflect on the past year and how I landed where I am today. 2023 proved to be a year of shake ups both personally and professionally, and like most years, I looked forward to 2024 for a chance to reset, create new goals and dream big. In 2024 my goal is to artfully cultivate and hone in on “my why”. Why am I here, on this earth, in this profession, writing this blog today (this is quite literal, but you get this gist!).

Now that I both serve, and am part of the small business community, I’ve learned the importance of getting to know the individuals behind the businesses themselves. After all, they’re the ones that took a leap of faith, followed their passion, braved the neigh sayers and jumped, walked or crawled towards entrepreneurship. What have I learned from all of them so far? We’re all a bunch of misfits. The ones that didn’t fit the mold of Corporate America, the dreamers that believed dreams shouldn’t stay dreams, the ones that wanted something more for themselves and their family, the ones who wanted to do good work whether or not it was the popular thing to do.

If and when I’m asked why I chose to serve this community of small business owners, please know that this is why. My first why of 2024. When you partner with me, and ExpeditionHR, I’m devoted, your biggest fan and together we’ll create a sense of belonging as we both cultivate and watch our wildest dreams come true.

From one misfit to another - cheers to 2024!



How Core Values Can Drive Your Business


Know your limits for 2024