How Core Values Can Drive Your Business

As business owners and leaders, we typically find ourselves caught up in the day-to-day execution and “doing” of our work, and forget the reason why we’re here. The reason why we chose to create our own business in the first place, and why we continue to press forward.

I’m here today to encourage you to hop off the hamster wheel, and turn inward. Reflect on the beliefs you hold true, and the difficult decisions that you had to make to get where you are. When we take time to do this, and solidify our core values, we bring purpose back into our every day work, our decision making and the vision for our business. 

Decision-Making Framework

When faced with a decision, challenge or opportunity, your core values can serve as a decision-making framework, providing a basis for choice and action. For this example we’ll say that your core values are authenticity, integrity and kindness

For example sake, let’s say that you were approached with an opportunity to partner with another business on a long-term project. This type of endeavor is somewhat out of your wheelhouse, but you’re intrigued by the idea and opportunity it could create for you and your business. Ask yourself…

  • Will this partnership uphold you and your business in an authentic way?

  • Can you complete the project with integrity

  • Will the partnership be managed in a pleasant, kind way? 

Are you able to confidently say yes to these questions? If the answer is undoubtedly yes - then this partnership is likely a good move. Should you find yourself answering no to any of these questions, or your gut is tapping you on the shoulder to say something is off here, it should be a signal for you, a red flag, that something isn’t quite right. Maybe it’s not a good option for you at this time, or you just need to gather additional context to make a better, more informed decision.

Your Why

Every solopreneur started their business for a reason. You, yes you, are here for a reason. Maybe it was to support your family in a different way, escape your big corporate job or to pursue a passion. Regardless of what triggered the action, it all started with your why. 

To identify your why, ask yourself: 

  • What prompted me to start this business?

  • Why is the work that I’m doing important? Why does it matter?

  • Who is the community that I serve and why did I choose them? Why should they want me?

Maybe your why has since changed from when you first started - that’s okay! Your why, will help communicate the personality and character of your business, in turn, creating a unique brand identity and core values that are completely yours. 

Future Alignment

You may forever operate as a solopreneur, or you may eventually expand out and hire an employee(s) to help support operations. Having established core values can help attract individuals who share similar values and beliefs as you. It’s really important early on to find employees that are like-minded, bought into your vision and can contribute to creating that cohesive work environment. 

PS - this too can be true for finding your ideal clients! 

The Exercise

Utilize some of the concepts in this blog to get your core value gears turning! I’ll even help get you started with a few tips and tricks.

  • The first step is easy. Take a minute (or two) to pause. Once you’ve found some clarity, lean inward…

  • Reflect. 

    • Discover your why

    • Reflect on past personal experiences - those times when you felt truly fulfilled and happy

    • Explore your beliefs - right vs wrong, fairness and justice

    • Imagine your ideal future - what impact do you want on the world? 

    • Seek feedback - Ask friends, family and colleagues about the values they see in you. 

  • Implement them into your everyday business and decision making framework.

  • Revisit and refine. 

If you are a visual, hands-on learner, try creating a vision board. Start with a blank sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper and fill it with clippings and photos of all the things you envision for your business. It can help bring your vision to life! 

Core values truly are multifaceted. We know the benefits of cultivating them, and as you begin to have more awareness of them in your everyday life, I am certain that new uses will be discovered. 

*Also featured on the MABC blog


Demystifying HR for Small Business Owners


The Misfits.